TsGeo - Format and Output - Polygon

TsGeo allow to format Polygon class into GeoJSON output representation.

There are 2 ways to format output:

  • Using FormatterInterface
  • Using Polygon class

Using FormatterInterface

import {Coordinate} from "tsgeo/Coordinate";
import {Polygon}   from "tsgeo/Polygon";
import {GeoJSON}   from "tsgeo/Formatter/Polygon/GeoJSON";

/* Add the following in a method of TS class */

let polygon = new Polygon();

polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(10, 20));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(20, 40));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(30, 40));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(30, 20));

let formatter = new GeoJSON();


This snippet display the following data:


Using Polygon class

import {Coordinate} from "tsgeo/Coordinate";
import {Polygon}   from "tsgeo/Polygon";
import {GeoJSON}   from "tsgeo/Formatter/Polygon/GeoJSON";

/* Add the following in a method of TS class */

let polygon = new Polygon();

polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(10, 20));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(20, 40));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(30, 40));
polygon.addPoint(new Coordinate(30, 20));

console.log(polygon.format(new GeoJSON())); 

This snippet display the following data:


Polyline Retour

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